Сервисный центр S-mart

    Replacing the Notebook Hard Drive

    Замена жесткого диска ноутбука

    The notebook hard drive not only serves to store user data. On the main disk of the computer is almost everything that is necessary to run and stable operation of the system.

    Features and causes of problems

    Replacing HDD in a laptop in Minsk is a popular service. The need to remove, install or change the hard drive is most often associated with the failure of the drive, but sometimes upgrading is necessary to improve the performance of the laptop or to increase the amount of free disk space. As for the modernization of the PC, there may be options: from the replacement of the hard disk (HDD) to the analogue before the installation of a solid state drive (SSD).

    Hard drive upgrades are usually performed without losing user data. In the case of an emergency disk replacement, the risk of losing user files is large enough.

    There are obvious signs that indicate that you need to replace the hard drive in the laptop:

    • Frequent hangs of the system “tightly” for no apparent reason.
    • Regular appearance of the blue “death screen” (MS Windows).
    • Failure to start the PC properly or shut down.
    • Randomly repeated reboot, notification of “errors”.
    • Failure of the adapter or the connector of the hard drive.
    • Strong heating
    • Incorrect operation of the hard disk driver.

    The signs mentioned above can indirectly indicate problems with the hard drive, but at the same time can be caused by a number of other hardware and software sources. In any case, the diagnosis is a necessary stage of repair work. It is impossible to diagnose partially the destruction of clusters of a laptop hard drive, logical failure (infection of boot sectors by a virus, etc.) can only be experienced by an expert. In addition to practical skills, a good material and technical base is needed to repair laptops. That is why it is almost impossible to repair the hard drive at home with quality preservation with the preservation of information.

    Professional HDD repair in Minsk

    If you are interested in the guaranteed result and the democratic cost of repairing your notebook hard drive, please contact our service center and we will promptly bring your laptop into working condition! We will repair or replace the hard drive of Lenovo, Asus, Acer, HP, Sony Vaio, Dell, Samsung and other popular brands. Our service center guarantees the correction of any problems with hard disks and the full restoration of the working capacity of the laptop. The affordable price of replacing the hard drive on the laptop, the quality and speed of operation will pleasantly surprise you.

    Common hardware failure on notebooks

    Keyboard and touchpad

    Keypad repair, replacement touchpad, clean the casing and the touch panel.

    Сomputer help

    Install and configure Windows, virus removal, Internet connection.

    Body parts

    Change the hinges of the screen, frame and back cover of the screen of the front panel.


    Repair of bridges of the chipset, controller, power and charge.

    Modernization and acceleration

    The increase in hard disk capacity and RAM, replacing CPU.

    The laptop is not power on

    Neispravnosti to quickly define and perform emergency repairs with a 100% guarantee.

    Connectors and interfaces

    Diagnosis and replacement of power connectors, USB, LAN, COM, Card Reader, motherboard repair.

    Repairs after flooding

    Laptop repair after the flooding water, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages.

    Cooling system

    Repair, replacement and cleaning of the cooling system, propane thermotropic.

    Power system and charge

    Laptop not charging or runs out quickly? Fix it quickly and inexpensively!

    Cleaning the notebook

    Cleaning the notebook from dust and dirt, clean cooling system of laptop.

    The screen matrix

    Repair and replacement of matrix, backlight lamp, inverter power at home.

    Spare parts from official dealers

    During the repair we use only original and high-quality spare parts

    Fast service

    We carry out 90% of repairs on the day of treatment, the remaining 10% within 3 days, depending on the complexity of the repair.

    Individual solution to your problem

    There is no time or opportunity to come to the service - call the courier. He will pick up the device for repair and bring it back.

    Modern technical equipment

    In our service center for laptop repair only modern state-of-the-art equipment and specialized tools are used.

    Warranty for repairs of 4 months

    We provide a guarantee for all our services from 4 months. We constantly monitor the quality of repairs.

    Payment convenient for you

    Cash, credit card, installment cards, cashless payments for legal entities.

    Pay as you like, even in installments

    • Cash settlement
    • Bank transfer with Visa, MasterCard, Belkart cards
    • Bank transfer for legal entities

    For the convenience of customers, our service center uses popular types of payment: Halva installment cards, Shopping card, SMART KARTA, MAGNET.

    No time to bring the device for repair?
    Order free delivery to the service center

    For the convenience of our customers, we provide free courier delivery within the Minsk Ring Road. You can find out more about the delivery terms at the link

    How to repair your device

    You bring your device to our service center or order delivery by courier

    We make free diagnostics and tell you the cost and terms of repair

    Our specialists make repairs and immediately inform you about the results as soon as possible.

    You pay and pick up the repaired device or you can order delivery by courier

    You bring your device to our service center or order delivery by courier

    We make free diagnostics and tell you the cost and terms of repair

    Our specialists make repairs and immediately inform you about the results as soon as possible.

    You pay and pick up the repaired device or you can order delivery by courier

    Our contacts

    Minsk, Kulman, 3
    TC «COOLMAN»1st floor
    room 113

    mo. — fri.
    с 9.00 до 20.00

    sat. — sun.:
    с 11.00 до 18.00

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