Order a free consultation

Order a free consultation
For all work performed and replaced parts by our service center, a guarantee of 4 (Four) months is established.
The warranty period is set according to STB, for each type of repaired equipment:
- TVs: STB 627-95, STB 600-95
- Tape recorders household: STB 584-94
- Cameras: STB 480-2005
- Telephone mobile cellular telecommunication devices, except for software update: STB 1303-2007, STB 1881-2008
- Telephone sets of general use (cord, cordless), except for software update: STB 1303-2007, STB 1880-2008
- Household electric vacuum cleaners: STB 655-2001
- Household electric heating devices: STB 542-2002
- Household and similar electronic equipment, household and electric machines and devices (not specified in other categories): STB 1365-2002.
The S-mart service center guarantees that the repaired device complies with the standard requirements in the amount of repair performed, subject to the customer observing the operating, transportation and storage conditions specified in the operating documents, as well as on the condition that the seals are sealed if the device was sealed.
A warranty card is issued for the work performed, which indicates the date of acceptance of the customer’s repaired device, the duration of the warranty period.
The warranty period is calculated from the date of acceptance of the repaired device by the customer.
Repair of devices whose operation was carried out without observing the requirements specified in the operational documents, i.e. exposed to moisture, chemicals, unskilled intervention and having severe mechanical damage (deep dents, scratches and cracks on the case; deformation of printed circuit boards, displacement of attachments; cracks in the ceramic substrate of the chip; destruction of the device’s structures, etc.), without providing a guarantee for the service provided.
In the event of a malfunction of the device during the warranty period that has been resolved in the amount of previously performed repair, our service center will perform a second repair free of charge. In this case, the failed parts and assembly units installed during a previously completed repair are replaced free of charge and are not issued to the customer.
The warranty period is extended by the time the device is in repeated repairs (for the period from the date of the customer’s repeated appeal to the contractor to the date of acceptance of the repaired device by the customer.)
The list of the main legislative acts regulating the work of the service center:
- Law of the Republic of Belarus dated January 9, 2002 N 90-З “On Protection of Consumer Rights”;
- Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 14, 2002 N 778 “On measures to implement the Law of the Republic of Belarus“ On the Protection of Consumer Rights ”;
- Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 14, 2004 N 1590 “On the Approval of the Rules for Consumer Services”;
- Decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 28.03.2007 N 393 “On approval of the Rules for the performance of work and the provision of services for the repair of terminal subscriber devices”;
Keyboard and touchpad
Сomputer help
Body parts
Modernization and acceleration
The laptop is not power on
Connectors and interfaces
Repairs after flooding
Cooling system
Power system and charge
Cleaning the notebook
The screen matrix
Spare parts from official dealers
During the repair we use only original and high-quality spare parts
Fast service
We carry out 90% of repairs on the day of treatment, the remaining 10% within 3 days, depending on the complexity of the repair.
Individual solution to your problem
There is no time or opportunity to come to the service - call the courier. He will pick up the device for repair and bring it back.
Modern technical equipment
In our service center for laptop repair only modern state-of-the-art equipment and specialized tools are used.
Warranty for repairs of 4 months
We provide a guarantee for all our services from 4 months. We constantly monitor the quality of repairs.
Payment convenient for you
Cash, credit card, installment cards, cashless payments for legal entities.
Pay as you like, even in installments
- Cash settlement
- Bank transfer with Visa, MasterCard, Belkart cards
- Bank transfer for legal entities
For the convenience of customers, our service center uses popular types of payment: Halva installment cards, Shopping card, SMART KARTA, MAGNET.

No time to bring the device for repair?
Order free delivery to the service center

Feedback on our work
You can read more reviews or leave your own at the links:
How to repair your device

You bring your device to our service center or order delivery by courier
We make free diagnostics and tell you the cost and terms of repair
Our specialists make repairs and immediately inform you about the results as soon as possible.
You pay and pick up the repaired device or you can order delivery by courier

You bring your device to our service center or order delivery by courier

We make free diagnostics and tell you the cost and terms of repair

Our specialists make repairs and immediately inform you about the results as soon as possible.

You pay and pick up the repaired device or you can order delivery by courier
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Our contacts

Minsk, Kulman, 3
TC «COOLMAN»1st floor
room 113

mo. — fri.
с 9.00 до 20.00
sat. — sun.:
с 11.00 до 18.00