Surely, every person faced situations when your laptop suddenly broke down, stopped turning on, charging, or you just dropped it and damaged it. (Cracks appeared on the case, matrix, or other damage occurred). All would be nothing if you had enough money for repairs, but there is no money for repairs at the moment.
Dont be upset! Servicenotebook will help you. We provide a unique opportunity to pay for laptop repair services by Halva in installments with the first payment of 0 rubles.
What is Halva
Halva is a special installment program from MTBank for the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, which allows you to purchase goods or pay for services with installment payments without interest.
After the approval of the Halva program by the bank, a plastic card (analogous to a normal credit card) is issued for you with a certain amount of money, with which you actually and will make payments.
Simply put – this is an analogue of the usual shop payment in installments, for which you do not need to issue additional documents and sign a contract.
The difference from a normal credit card
An ordinary credit card is issued to a person on the basis of the submitted documents (certificate of salary) from the place of work for a certain amount, at a certain percentage. This can be a normal debit card with an allowable overdraft, for which you will also have to pay interest.
Interest on the card is halva for the use of cash, you will pay not, but the seller of goods and services (a partner of MTB in the Halva program).
The principle of the map “Halva”
Everything is simple. You pay the cost of repairing the laptop in Minsk immediately, and the paid amount is divided equally into monthly payments for repayment.
How to pay off the debt on the card “Halva”?
For each client of MTBank, who issued a halva card, an office is created where you can see the payment schedule for each month for paid services and goods.
You can add funds to Halva’s account in your customer’s electronic office, through MTBank cash desk, by transfer from Visa and MasterCard cards, by postal order, through ERIP or WebPay.
How to issue a halva card?
To issue such a card you just need to contact MTBank. In addition to the passport, you will not need any documents.