Sometimes, did you ever carry your device to a service center where you perform laptop repair in Minsk. If not, then you are certainly lucky.
The situation at the moment in the market of spare parts is such that, than to trust repair to an unknown service center, which saves spare parts or components is very difficult. Usually, after troubleshooting, the breakdown will reappear and then eliminate it. You spend a lot of time.
In this situation, thoughts come:
- What did I pay for?
- Who will return my time to me?
- Can buy high-quality components and repair laptop in-house?
The last question is not devoid of logic. If you do for yourself, then you will take it seriously. Let’s see how it is possible to repair notebooks in Minsk itself.
What can I replace myself:
- Drive (SSD or HDD). A damaged disc will become available after removing the lower cover and unscrewing the bolts that hold it. Remove the old one, install a new one and install the system and drivers from a flash drive or optical drive.
- In some MacBooks, replacement is not possible because it is soldered into the system board. In the bulk, it simply snaps off and is available after removing the bottom cover.
- To replace it, you need an example of disassembling with youtube. Some keyboards are soldered and removed using a production hair dryer. If not, then bring the laptop to a Servicenotebook service center;
- Reinstall Windows, OS X. The installation process is so automated that even a student can install it. If you want to save the information, it’s better to take it to a service center.
All of the above said already implies that you have all the necessary tools for disassembling-assembling the laptop and dismantling the elements.
Of course, it is not possible to replace the broken display matrix with an ordinary user, without proper experience. Therefore, if you are not sure of your abilities, give the laptop to a professional Servicenotebook service center. Our experienced engineers, after complete diagnostics, will make a qualitative repair of the laptop in Minsk and provide a guarantee for the services rendered.